Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Bölümü

Elderly Health Nursing Book Section

The book "Elderly Health Nursing", in which Assist. Prof. Dr. Özden Erdem from the Department of Public Health Nursing is the chapter author, has been published. It is a necessity to increase the quality and effectiveness of health services for the elderly, whose share in the population is increasing day by day all over the world and in our country. The Elderly Health Nursing book is a guidebook that should always be on hand, not only for nurses but also for all interdisciplinary team members serving elderly health.

The book consists of eight units and thirty-six chapters on the promotion and protection of health and common health problems, written in line with current literature. Each section of each unit in the book; It was written by experts in the field, within the framework of the latest research, case examples, evidence-based guides and protocols. Case and care plan examples specific to each topic are presented. The book, which is suitable for associate degree, bachelor, master's and doctoral programs, can also be used as a basic resource for primary healthcare professionals, those working in geriatric clinics, nursing homes and elderly care centers.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Özden ERDEM wrote the COMPREHENSIVE AND MULTIPLE ASSESSMENT OF OLDER INDIVIDUALS chapter in the book Elderly Health Nursing, edited by Prof. Dr. Saime Erol and Prof. Dr. Fatma Nevin ŞİŞMAN. The book was published in print and electronic form by Nobel Publishing House. We would like to thank those who contributed to the publication of the book and their contributions to the field.