Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Bölümü

Participation of our nursing students in the international congress

Participation in international congress

Nursing Department students Sevil Bahadıroğlu, Hüsna Keleş, Rüveyda Altun and Merve Taousan, Assoc. Dr. They presented their 2209 A Project, which they carried out under the consultancy of SELMA ATAY, as an oral presentation at the "7th INTERNATIONAL HEALTH SCIENCE AND LIFE CONGRESS".

Also, Peri Elif Boztaş and Seda Ülker, Assoc. They presented their 2209 A Project titled 'Investigation of Loneliness Levels, Loneliness Preferences and Life Satisfaction of Nursing Students', which they carried out under the supervision of Şengül ÜZEN CURA, as an oral presentation at the '7th INTERNATIONAL HEALTH SCIENCE AND LIFE CONGRESS'.

We congratulate our advisors and students.