Telegram account was opened for our graduates (You Can Join By Clicking)
Faculty members of the Department of Nursing (Lecturer Seyran Şenveli, Arife Silahçılar and Dr. Research. Ass. Özden Erdem), attended the meeting held within the scope of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Student Life, Career and Alumni Relations Coordination Office. In line with the meeting, a Telegram account was opened for our graduates. In Telegram account, we aim to establish a much healthier communication with you, our graduates, to create platforms and channels where our graduates can communicate among themselves, and to carry out beautiful projects together that will provide added value to our graduates.
1. Click for the Student Life, Career and Alumni Relations Coordination website.
2. Do not forget to be a member of the Talent Gate to be informed about career opportunities such as internship-job-competition-interview, covering the public and private sectors in our country.
3. We invite all our international students studying at our university and/or at the graduation stage to become members of the Turkey Alumni Portal so that they can be informed about the activities and opportunities carried out by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities.