Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Bölümü

Definition of the Postgraduate (Master Program)

The program was opened in the 2013-2014 academic year. Students who successfully complete the program are awarded a master's degree in Nursing.

This program educates nursing specialists that can protect and develop the health of individual, family,and community, save the health of individual in case of illness, give rehabilitation services in accordance with team spirit, have an understanding of quality care, use the technology effectively, follow scientific progress and use them in professional and academic areas, and cooperate with different disciplines and institutions according to humanistic and holistic approach.

Mission: To train leading nurses who can practice, train and research with a safe and evidence-based approach based on scientific and ethical values.

Vision: To be an innovation-oriented program that adheres to scientific and ethical values and is preferred at national and international level.

Values of the program

  • Scientificity
  • Ethic
  • Solidarity
  • Belonging
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Collaboration
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Quality and efficiency
  • Participation
  • Perfectionism
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Leadership

Aim of the Program

Nursing master's program;

  • To be able to use the acquired professional knowledge and skills in care in line with ethical principles,
  • It has a changing and evolving understanding of care according to the needs of the age,
  • To be able to create evidence for nursing and use the evidence created,
  • It aims to train specialized nurses who shape health policies and understand the importance of lifelong learning.

Program Goal

  • To be a nationally and internationally recognized and preferred program.
  • To produce publications and projects of high scientific value.
  • To open a master's degree program in Nursing Departments (Fundamentals of Nursing, Internal Medicine Nursing, Surgical Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, Public Health Nursing, Nursing Management).
  • Opening a doctoral program in the Department of Nursing.

Education Format

The education on Master of Science (M.Sc.) programme in medical genetics is completing theoretical and practical courses as well as the finishing thesis.

Enrollment Acceptance Conditions

General conditions of acceptance which are indicated in the Regulation of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University on Post Graduate Education and Examination are valid to begin the program for both domestic and foreign students. Detailed requirements will be announced before application of each terms.

Acceptance of Previous Education

Candidates who meet the conditions of acceptance of science applied with an average grade graduation program (to have bachelor's degree in nursing, midwifery and health officer) as successful.

Exams, Assessment and Grading


Point         Letter            Grade Factor
90-100 AA 4.00
85-89 BA 3.50
80-84 BB 3.00
70-79 CB 2.50
60-69 CC 2.00
55-59 DC 1.50
50-54 DD 1.00
40-49 FD 0.50
0-39 FF 0.00
Satisfactory S (non-credit courses)
Unsatisfactory US (non-credit courses)
Absentee A 0.00












The program, at least a mid-term and final exams are scheduled each semester. Assessment of the students are evaluated from each of the lesson instructors. Students are required to take written exams including at least one midterm and a final exam. The grade is calculated with at least 40% of midterm exams and at most 60% of final exam.
Students are supposed to complete the courses; successfully with one of the grades AA,BA, BB, CB, CC, conditionally successful with DD or DC, and unsuccessful with FD or FF.

Graduation Requirements

Students who take a minimum of 26 credits, successfully complete their seminar, complete their thesis and successfully pass the thesis defense exam are eligible for graduation.


Students who accomplish the program will be given the master’s degree in nursing.

Requirements and Rules of Degree

The students studying in this second cycle program with thesis are required:

  • to take a minimum of 26 local credits, one seminar course, and a thesis. (The seminar and thesis courses are non-credit and graded on a pass/fail basis.)
  • to succeed in all the courses with a letter grade of at least CC/S
  • to have a Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.00/4.00 with a minimum of 120 ECTS credits. 

Apply to Doctorate Programs

Nursing master program graduates who successfully completed the Master's Degree may apply to doctorate programs in the nursing or in accepted related disciplines.

Professional Profile of Graduates

Nursing master program graduates can work in universities, hospitals, research centers, community health centers, family health centers, community mental health centers, schools, home care institutions, and other health care institutions as a specialist nurse.