Establishment | : | The Department of Nursing started its 4-year education in 1996. |
Degree | : | Students who meet the program qualifications, meet the graduation criteria and successfully complete the program are awarded a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing. |
Degree (Associate, Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) | : | This program is a program that provides education at the Bachelor's level. |
Acceptance and Enrollment Conditions | : | Students are admitted to the Department of Nursing with an exam conducted by the Student Selection and Placement Center. For enrollment in this program, a committee report must be obtained from a fully-fledged official hospital recommended by the university, certifying that there is no physical or mental disability that would prevent them from carrying out this profession during and after the education. |
Rules on Acceptance of Previous Education (formal, in-formal, non-formal) | : | Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (ÇOMÜ) students may be exempt from some courses within the framework of certain regulations. If the content of the course taken at another institution is compatible with the content of the course given at ÇOMÜ and is approved by the relevant faculty/school directorate, the student may be exempt from this course. |
Qualification Conditions and Rules | : | Students enrolled in the Nursing Department must take all courses in the prescribed curriculum and complete 240 ECTS in order to graduate. In addition, our 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students do compulsory summer internships in order to increase their professional knowledge and skills. |
Program Profile | : | Department of Nursing; It is a four-year, full-time undergraduate program that aims to train nurses who are equipped with contemporary professional knowledge and skills, have ethical rules and values, and protect these ethical values. The aims of the nursing undergraduate education program have been determined in accordance with the Faculty, University, Turkish Nurses Association Ethical Principles, Nursing National Core Education Program (HUÇEP), Turkey Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYÇ) targets, socio-demographic transformation and globalization process. Although the Classical Education Model is used in the education program, the lessons are taught with active teaching methods and student-oriented. The classical education model is strengthened by teaching and using models in vocational courses, explaining the research process in three different courses, and updating elective courses in line with current developments and requirements. |
Employment Profiles of Graduates (with examples) | : | Graduates can find the opportunity to work in all primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare institutions. They also have the opportunity to work in schools, prisons, kindergartens, nurseries, orphanages, home care centers, private polyclinics or their own health cabins. Besides, they can continue their working life as teachers and academicians in educational institutions. Unemployment in this field after graduation is not a problem. |
Transition to Higher Degree Programs | : | Candidates who have successfully completed their undergraduate education can study postgraduate programs in their own field or related fields, provided that they receive a valid score from the ALES exam and have sufficient English language knowledge. |
Exams, Measurement and Evaluation | : | Examinations are made in written, oral or practical form. Exam results are given to the department chair and announced by the relevant instructor within fifteen days. Exam documents and exam records of applied courses are kept for two years after the announcement of the exam results. Exams are administered by the instructors assigned to teach that course. If the academic staff member is not at the University during the exam period, the relevant department board decides who will conduct and evaluate the exams. Written exams are held with the participation of two invigilators determined by the department head. A report is prepared by the student and the administration regarding the evaluation studies of applied courses such as models, paintings and handicrafts. In faculties and colleges that are obliged to take exams at the end of internship and practice, how the internship and practice exams will be held is determined by the faculty and college boards. Success grade; It is determined by taking the contribution of 40% of the midterm exam grade average and 60% of the final or make-up exam grade and is notified to the students in the first two weeks of education. The course instructor evaluates the success grades of the students for each course out of 100 points and evaluates the final grade of the course in the form of letter and coefficient grades in accordance with normal distribution statistics and relative evaluation. |
Graduation Requirements | : | Nurse candidates who are successful in all courses in the 4-year undergraduate program and nursing practice and take non-credit courses (YE) are eligible for graduation. Students with a GPA of 2.00 and above are also considered successful in conditionally successful courses. In order to graduate, students must complete 172 COMU / 240 ECTS credits. |
Working Style (Full Time, e-learning) | : | This program is formal education. |
Contact (Program Head, ECTS/DS Coordinator) | : | Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Aysun BABACAN GÜMÜŞ ECTS Coordinator: Asst. Prof. Dr. Melike YALÇIN GÜRSOY |
Department Facilities | : | Students who graduate from this department can work in units related to the title of Nurse. |