Lütfen Bekleyiniz
- Being within the Faculty of Health Sciences
- The aims of department of nursing are compatible with the mission of the program (faculty/department) and the university to which it is affiliated
- Operation of the department is carried out by established committee
- Having lecturers who are experts in their field teach the courses
- Having a continuously developing university hospital and cooperation with hospitals
- A wide variety of fields can be used as application areas
- Having a summer internship
- Having a diploma supplement label
- Although the education is a classical education model, active teaching methods are used, it is student-oriented, and models are taught and used in vocational courses
- Program Outputs have defined to include HEPDAK outputs and Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYÇ) goals
- Having full student quota (including foreign students)
- Filling the horizontal and vertical transfer quotas
- Participation of students in decisions regarding themselves through representative meetings
- Having a graduate program
- Having a simulation laboratory
- University library, internet connection, access to publications in the field of nursing
- Erasmus and Farabi programs are active
- The entire department consists of nurse academicians
- All decisions are taken by the department boards
- Operation of the department is carried out by established committee
- Have support from clinical/field guide nurses in applications
- Participation of our academic staff and students in scientific activities to improve themselves
- Inability of clinics to respond to the increasing number of students in certain areas (Pediatric Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing)
- Insufficient number of faculty members
- Very insufficient number of research assistants
- Lack of faculty members in every department (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing)
- Insufficient physical conditions of faculty
- Assesment and evaluation committee has been newly established in faculty
- Having a preferred department
- Having 100% occupancy rate
- The majority of students do not experience unemployment problem
- Faculty members are known in the national and international academic environment because they have sufficient knowledge and equipment in their fields.
- Having active faculty members
- Having sufficient academic staff to work on national and international projects
- Academic staff have sufficient experience, talent and desire for development
- Being close to big cities such as Istanbul and Izmir and providing easy support for education from these cities
- Having easy access to resources and information
- Number of students increasing every year
- Quota having much higher than our academic resources
- Insufficient physical features and capacity of work areas and building
- The number of faculty members remains low compared to the increasing number of students
- High number of students and course load per faculty member
- Lack of faculty members in every department (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology)
- Insufficient laboratories
- Norm staff application